Welcome to Dinergy’s risk assessment tool. By clicking the continue button, you’ll answer a few questions to learn how you feel about financial risk. As a security measure, you’ll leave our website and create an account with Nitrogen, our analytics partner. Your personal information such as phone numbers and email addresses will be kept strictly confidential.

Talk…about money

 Where were you 22 years ago when you learned of the “small fire in a rooftop air conditioner compressor on the North Tower of the World Trade Center”?

Who were you with when reports started flowing in minutes later that it was in fact a terrible accident – American Flight 11 had slammed into the 95th floor?

What were you doing 17 minutes later as United Flight 175 plowed into the 80th floor of the South Tower, replacing those thoughts of it being an accident with the certainty of it being an attack?

Over the next 55 minutes, who did you call when you learned that two other flights were in the air somewhere over Ohio or Pennsylvania and unresponsive? Did you hold your breath at 9:58am as you watched the South Tower collapse in a dust cloud? How about 30 minutes later when the North Tower fell into the same pile of rubble at the corner of Liberty and Greenwich Streets in lower Manhattan?

Each of us has a different answer to these questions but we share the same thought today – never forget.

