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Talk…about money

Black History Month

Black History Month is a powerful reminder of the resilience, innovation, and community strength that have shaped our world. As investment advisors, it’s a chance to reflect on how we can help create a more equitable future. Financial empowerment plays a huge role in...

Groundhog Day

We’ve all seen *Groundhog Day*—Bill Murray stuck in a time loop, repeating the same day over and over. It’s funny in the movie, but when it comes to your portfolio, not so much. Here’s the thing: too many people make the same mistakes in their...

The College Football Playoffs

The new college football playoffs are stirring up conversations—some people love the excitement, while others aren’t sold. But one thing’s for sure: it’s a work in progress. That first-round bye might sound ideal, but sometimes a challenging first game builds the grit...